Privacy statement

    Each of the privacy statements listed below apply to the processing of personal data by Athlon Mobility Services UK Limited as controller.

    Protecting your personal data is a high priority for us, and is taken into account in all of our business processes. The relevant privacy statement provides a description of our privacy practices in relation to your personal data. You will also read what rights you are entitled to regarding the processing of your personal data.

    Which privacy statement that applies depends on the relationship we have with you and the capacity in which you act. Therefore, please select from the list below the privacy statement applicable to you and read this carefully in order for you to understand how we collect and use your personal data.

    Athlon is part of the Mercedes-Benz Group. The way we handle personal data is always based on the applicable Data Protection Policy of Mercedes-Benz Group AG. This can be found on the following website

    Your interest first
    When processing your personal data your interest is dealt with first. You may count on Athlon applying the following privacy principles:

    We will treat your personal data with care and be compliant with the law.

    We will be transparent about the use of your personal data.

    We will treat your personal data confidentially and take the necessary technical and organisational security measures to protect from loss or unlawful processing.

    We will process your personal data only as far as necessary to provide you and, where relevant, your employer, with our services. We will not sell your data to third parties.

    You can request for access to or to correct or delete your personal data. Each justified request will be satisfied in the short term.

    1. Website visitors
    2. Representatives of corporate and public sector customers
    3. Operational Lease for Drivers
    4. Private buyers of an ex-lease car
    5. Representatives of suppliers and other contractual partners
    6. Data protection information for social media presences